Grapes: Savagnin
Country: France
Wine Type:White
Vintage: N/V
Bottle Size: 750ml
Alcohol: 16%
CHF 32.75 incl. Swiss VAT & duty fee | CHF 30.41 due at checkout | est. CHF 2.34 to be paid to courier (+ handling fee)
IMPORTANT: We operate from Germany and therefore you are not paying any tax to us, but instead you will need to pay all Swiss taxes to the courier after receiving your delivery. Read about Swiss shipping, VAT and Duty Taxes.

What is this Didier Grappe "Macvin" wine?

The juice and must of Savagnin grapes are reduced in half by boiling, and the resulting liquid is then fortified with brandy. Once the wine reaches 16% alcohol by volume it is placed in oak casks to age for six years. There is no fermentation process. The end result is a Vin doux Naturel that is rich and unctuous with a heavy amber color and aromas and flavors of orange zest, quince, prunes and other dried fruits.


We ship every Wednesday. Order by Tuesday 10am.

Didier Grappe - Macvin
CHF 32.75 incl. Swiss VAT & duty fee | CHF 30.41 due at checkout | est. CHF 2.34 to be paid to courier (+ handling fee)

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