Grapes: Perricone
Country: Italy
Wine Type:Red
Vintage: 2016
Bottle Size: 750ml
Alcohol: 13.50%
CHF 40.24 incl. Swiss VAT & duty fee | CHF 37.36 due at checkout | est. CHF 2.88 to be paid to courier (+ handling fee)
IMPORTANT: We operate from Germany and therefore you are not paying any tax to us, but instead you will need to pay all Swiss taxes to the courier after receiving your delivery. Read about Swiss shipping, VAT and Duty Taxes.

P16 Perricone 2016, with 6 Years elevage in oak is a natural wine crafted by Francesco Guccione, in the Sicily region in Italy. This red wine is made with Perricone grapes, which is ideal for aging and here is aged for 6 years in a 3000l oak barrel.

Originally a grape made to give colour to Marsala, some artisan producers like Francesco Guccione, Aldo Viola and Porta Del Vento are highlighting its excellent potential.

This special wine is rich, full and dark in colour. Expect intense notes of balsamic, leather and molasses. Whilst lighter in alcohol than the 14.5% Nerello Masacalese, this 13.5% P16 feels bigger - it's very expressive in its character and would be one for those who enjoy big Barolo style wines, made naturally. Whilst not cheap - this is a WOW wine for sure.


We ship every Wednesday. Order by Tuesday 10am.

Francesco Guccione - P16 Perricone 2016
CHF 40.24 incl. Swiss VAT & duty fee | CHF 37.36 due at checkout | est. CHF 2.88 to be paid to courier (+ handling fee)

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