Summer is Coming Box DEAL!

CHF 107.60 incl. Swiss VAT & duty fee | CHF 99.91 due at checkout | est. CHF 7.69 to be paid to courier (+ handling fee)
IMPORTANT: We operate from Germany and therefore you are not paying any tax to us, but instead you will need to pay all Swiss taxes to the courier after receiving your delivery. Read about Swiss shipping, VAT and Duty Taxes.

Yay the sun is finally out again and it's time for picnics in the park, lazing by the pool and just enjoying life outside. We love this time of year, so we've put together a box of five wonderful spring & summer wines for you, we know you will love too.

In this box you'll find:

Dluhe Grefty - Alba Mixture

Grandbois Wines - Heart Rose

Patrick Bouju & Justine Loiseau - CC

Porta del Vento - Voria Bianco

Grandbois Wines - When Life Gives You Lemons Pet Nat

We ship every Wednesday. Order by Tuesday 10am.

Summer is Coming Box DEAL!
CHF 107.60 incl. Swiss VAT & duty fee | CHF 99.91 due at checkout | est. CHF 7.69 to be paid to courier (+ handling fee)

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