Pot d’Anne 2022

Autour De l'Anne
Grapes: Cinsault
Country: France
Wine Type:Red
Vintage: 2022
Bottle Size: 750ml
Alcohol: 12%
¥2,951 除く日本の付加価値税(後払い+関税+手数料)
IMPORTANT: We operate from Germany and therefore you are not paying any tax to us, but instead you will need to pay all Japanese taxes to the courier after receiving your delivery. Read about shipping to Japan, VAT and Duty Taxes.

Pot d’Anne 2022 by female winemaker Autour De L'Anne is made in Loire with Cinsault grapes. Winemaker Anne Paillet actually has a unique project for her wines, in which the wines are grown in Languedoc but vinified in Loire, where she is based with her winemaking partner Gregory Leclerc.

In a former life, she was a roadie for UK bands like Radiohead, Blur and The Verve, but ended up following love to Loire, and also falling in love with making wine.

Note: photo is from previous vintage.

We ship every Wednesday. Order by Tuesday 10am.

Autour De l'Anne - Pot d’Anne 2022
¥2,951 除く日本の付加価値税(後払い+関税+手数料)

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