Every once in a while we search through the internet trying to figure out which Natural Wine Fairs are happening in Europe - and which ones we should consider travelling to - and we noticed that there really isn't anywhere central that is listing all the events.

So we thought, why not create a page here where you (and us) can see a list of events. We're sure this definitely isn't a full list, but we will keep adding to it.

Know about any awesome events we are not mentioning here? Email us at hello@morenaturalwine.com and we'll add it to the list.


November 2021

28.11. RAW Berlin, Berlin (Germany)

December 2022

04.12. Karakterre 9, Burgenland (Austria)

05.-06.12. Vini di Vignaioli, Paris (France)

February 2022

13.-14.02. Vella Terra, Barcelona (Spain)

March 2022

12.-14.03. Vini Selvaggi, Rome (Italy)

TBC Live Wine, Milan (Italy)

27.-29. ProWein, Düsseldorf (Germany)

TBC Wein Salon Natürel, Cologne (Germany)

April 2022

09.-11.04. Natural Born Wines, Villa Boschi, Isola della Scala (Italy)

May 2022

14.-15.05. RAW London, London (UK)

22.-23.05 The Real Wine Fair, London (UK)

July 2022

TBC Strekov Wine Festival, Strekov (Slovakia)

November 2022

27.11. RAW Berlin, Berlin (Germany)