The Health Benefits of Natural Wine

The Health Benefits of Natural Wine: An In-Depth Look

Natural wine has of course been gaining popularity in recent years. However, this is not not just for its unique flavours and vibrancy, but for many it’s also for its potential health benefits. 

Unlike conventional wines, natural wines are made with minimal intervention, often resulting in a purer and more authentic product that many, including us, believe our bodies process and digest easier - in particular the alcohol.

Orange wine

In a nutshell, imagine the difference between drinking a freshly squeezed apple juice from chemical-free apples grown in your own garden to a cheap apple juice in the supermarket. One of them is real, alive with bacteria, and one is sterilised and more processed than you might think.

In this article, we will explore the health benefits of natural wine. But we of course should point out, we are not doctors or health professionals.

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What Is Natural Wine?

Natural wine, also known as raw or low-intervention wine, is produced using traditional winemaking methods way before wines were made in a commercial manner. The difference is nowadays, the knowledge of how to make wines better is there so winemakers can make quite fine wines that will sit in the best restaurants in the world, even without added sulphites or filtration.

Natural wine used grapes which are always grown organically or biodynamically, and the fermentation process is carried out using natural yeasts from the vineyard, or the grapes are left to ferment themselves without the addition of commercial packets of yeasts as most wineries will use.

Natural wines are free from additives and preservatives, with very little to mostly no added sulphur. This element of sulphur is what sterilises the wine. It freezes it at a moment in time, and making a wine without it essentially means to keep the good bacteria that makes a wine alive.

Rich in Antioxidants

One of the key health benefits of natural wine is its higher antioxidant content than a conventional supermarket wine. Antioxidants, such as resveratrol and polyphenols, are compounds that help protect the body from oxidative stress and inflammation. Natural wine tends to have higher levels of these beneficial compounds compared to conventional wine because it is less processed, is made from organically grown grapes and sees no additives or preservatives which make the compounds less available in the wine.

Resveratrol: The Heart-Healthy Compound

Resveratrol, found in the skin of red grapes, is particularly noteworthy for its potential to support cardiovascular health. Studies have shown that resveratrol can help lower blood pressure, reduce bad cholesterol (LDL), and prevent blood clots, all of which contribute to a healthier heart.

Of course, drinking any alcohol (even natural wine) with control and limitations is essential. It’s not a case of the more your drink, the better your heart will be. Quite the opposite and you should always look at the amount of wine you are consuming, and consult a doctor if you notice adverse effects. 

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Lower in Sulphites and Additives

Sulfites are commonly added to conventional, supermarket wines in higher doses than more artisan wines as preservatives to ensure no faults or deviations in quality occur from travel. They also allow wineries to manipulate wines and ‘control’ how a wine is made much easier, killing off bad yeasts and bacteria which may make the wine tasted different to what the producer (often in a factory style setting with popular supermarket brands!) intends.

Sulphites sterilise wines, and help maintain efficiency and consistency - also vintage to vintage. It is much easier to make a wine taste similar to the previous vintage if you control the outcome through various methods, and sulphites are essential to sterilise the wine to then manipulate it.

However, high levels of sulfites can cause allergic reactions and sensitivities in some individuals, leading to headaches, hives, and other symptoms. Natural wine, with its minimal use of sulfites, is often better tolerated by those with sensitivities, making it a healthier option for these individuals.

Patrick Bouju G&M

Many natural winemakers, such as Patrick Bouju, have reactions to sulphites and this is why he started making wine without them. 

From our personal experience, whilst we do not enjoy a wine with too much added sulphites and notice a burning sensation in the back of our throats after sipping, we are also convinced we can drink a lot more natural wine in one sitting than conventional wine with the normal amount of sulphites.

We personally believe this is because our liver processes the alcohol easier than a wine which needs more things processing first. 

Famous Natural wine producer Partida Creus state in this video we made that "We live for natural, healthy and probiotic food... and if you make natural wine without any additives - its there (that is it)"

Fewer Chemicals and Additives

Conventional wines can contain a range of additives, including sugars, flavor enhancers, acids and even colouring agents.

These additives can sometimes lead to adverse health effects, such as increased calorie intake and allergic reactions. Natural wine, on the other hand, is made with fewer additives, offering a cleaner and more natural drinking experience.

Potential Gut Health Benefits

Natural wine may also support gut health due to the presence of beneficial bacteria and yeast from the natural fermentation process. These microorganisms can act as probiotics, promoting a healthy gut microbiome, which is essential for digestion, immune function, and overall well-being. Think of natural wine like a good kombucha or probiotic yogurt. There are good, living bacteria inside which will only benefit the amount of diversity in your microbial gut biome through the use of probiotics. 

Probiotics help balance the gut flora, improve digestion, and boost the immune system. While more research is needed, some studies suggest that natural wine may contain higher levels of these beneficial microbes compared to conventional wine.

Better for the Environment

Choosing natural wine is not only good for your health but also much better for the environment. Natural winemaking practices often involve sustainable, chemical-free farming methods that protect and actually enhance the soil, water, and biodiversity through topsoils, humus and microbial action amongst the land. 

This eco-friendly approach avoids  harmful pesticides and chemicals, contributing to a healthier planet. Many natural winemakers use horses instead of tractors, and spray herbal and nettle teas to protect their vines. Pretty much all have cover crops to increase diversity in the vineyard and most have some sort of animals like cows, sheep or donkeys if working with a holistic approach.

Some, like Strekov 1075, use drones to spray their vines with teas to avoid a tractor compressing the soil between the vines.

Supporting Biodiversity

Natural vineyards typically encourage biodiversity, planting a variety of crops and maintaining natural habitats for wildlife. This not only benefits the ecosystem but also leads to healthier vines and better-quality grapes, ultimately enhancing the quality and health benefits of the wine produced.

Why drink natural wine?

If you are not factoring in how much better natural wines taste, how much more alive to are then consider that Natural wine offers a range of potential health benefits, from its high antioxidant content to its lower levels of sulfites and additives. It may also support gut health and is better for the environment due to the very sustainable farming practices that winemakers employ. While more research is needed to fully understand all the health benefits, choosing natural wine is a healthier and more environmentally friendly option for wine enthusiasts, although remember to enjoy in moderation. 

Want to learn more about natural wine? 

There is much more to discover with natural wines.

We suggest you read this more indepth article here