Is this Berlin's best natural wine bar?
Well, perhaps that's for you to judge hehe... but damn it must be pretty close!
And why? Because most Berlin natural wine bars without a substantial food offering focus on more simple wines.
If you want nice Jura bangers or special bottles, you have to go to a winebar with a small plates restaurant focus. And that's great too! But sometimes... you want to go to a winebar that feels a bit more like a pub.
One which does not come with a big food bill alongside the special wines...
And that's why we created Blanc de Fuck!

What is Blanc de Fuck Winebar in Berlin?
It's a "temporary" winebar, as we have the space as an 11 month sublet (for now writing in October 2024), but rest assured we, that is Chris and Anika of MORE Natural Wine, have poured a LOT of love into this space and taken time to write description on ALL the wines on the menu... which features 240+ bottles!
In addition to this, we have PATRICK BOUJU WINES ON TAP!
There is only one other place we know in the world with this, which is in Paris!
On tap, we also have an exclusive wine by Marto Wines called Blanc de Fuck, the inspiration for the winebar name, which you can also find by the bottle here.

We have changing wines weekly by the glass as well, so there really is a HUGE choice whether you want pet nats, orange wines, juicy reds and crisp whites... as well as more special bottles to try from hot producers like Christian Tschida, Radikon, Jean-Pierre Robinot and Maison Valette!

What food is there at Blanc de Fuck?
At our hot Berlin natural winebar we have deliberately decided to NOT fall into the trap of becoming a small plates restaurant, as that is not the vibe we want.
Instead, we want a social vibe and winelovers to come together... more than people coming for food, and not caring so much about the wine.
That might be a risky move, as so often good food and good wine go hand in hand. Perhaps it's our attempt to create the right atmosphere, rather than attracting TikTokers to photograph pretty plates, we want winelovers snapping bottleshots and mingling with people they meet standing AT the bar or at the table next to them, instead of sitting in their allocated 7-9pm table slot waiting for the next tiny course of a "Toasted Leek, Dashi Sauce, Pomegranate & a Hazelnut Reduction". This is not the right bar for that.
BUT, of course we love food and we know eating is good when enjoyable good wines! So, we did our research and tried all the breads in Berlin.
We tried the best local cheeses.
We tried the best locally made meat "Knacker" sticks.

And we have got some special cheese bread and meat boards for you with local Urstrom Cheese, local Veal Knackers, Gherkins, Butter and also offer simple snacks like bowls of crisps, italian olives, Salzstangen (Bretzelsticks).
Food to enjoy sharing, without the pretentiousness often found in natural wine bars (of which many are restaurants).
We also will have cool popups coming up, with food we WANT to eat whilst drinking! Think British pies, top quality Kebaps and insane Falafal wraps, Smashburgers, Pad Thai, Italian Eggplant Sandos, and Fried Chicken events.
We also have some hot European winebars who want to bring their awesome chefs over to come do takeovers, so keep an eye on our Instagram to not miss out!

What wines can I find at Blanc de Fuck in Berlin?
We have 4 wines on tap.
We have 6-7 wines by the glass from the bottle
We have 270´+ bottles on the winelist!
Each with their own description

This includes gems we do not sell online or in our Berlin shop.
We want them drunk here at the bar, to be enjoyed in the presence amongst other winelovers. Expect to find a solid Jura list that on opening includes producers like Jean-Francois Ganevat, Nicolas Jacob, Domaine des Cavarodes, Tournelle, Marnes Blances, Didier Grappe, Touraize, Valentin Morel (Les Pieds Sur Terre), L'Octavin, Tissot, Tony Bornard, Labet and many more as well as other in-demand producers from around Europe, and even Australia and the USA.
Wines will change with what comes in (yes wine is also seasonal in its release schedule) and we are in a unique position with MORE Natural Wine to be able to keep the list fresh and hot, working with our close partners as well as our own imports.
Yet, it's important to us that natural wine should be accessible, and we do not want to have a winelist only full of special bottles. Bottles start at just 24 euros and many bottles we can confirm people are very impressed with the fair winebar pricing of. This is something we will always keep for you.

WINTER Opening Hours of Blanc de Fuck
You can find us on Lenaustrasse 10, 12047 Berlin
Save on GoogleMapsThursday 18-23:30
Friday 16 - 00:00
Saturday 16- 00:00
Sunday 16 - 22:30
Monday 17 - 23:30
Tuesday 18-23:30