Raisins: Riesling
Pays: Hungary
Type de vin:White
Taille de la bouteille: 750ml
Alcool: 12%
CHF 25.69 y compris TVA et taxes de douane | CHF 23.85 à payer à la caisse | est. CHF 1.84 à payer au coursier (+ frais de gestion)
IMPORTANT : Nous opérons depuis l'Allemagne et vous ne nous payez donc aucune taxe, mais vous devrez payer toutes les taxes suisse au transporteur après réception de votre livraison. Apprenez-en davantage sur les expéditions suisses, la TVA et les taxes douanières.

Riesling 2021 is a natural wine crafted by Bencze, in the Balaton region in Hungary. This white wine is made with Riesling grapes.

For sure one of central Europe’s most exciting winemakers, Istvan Benzce has observed other zero-zero greats such as Strekov 1075 and become a master himself, with his wines selling out quickly thanks to their vibrancy and energy. Based near to lake Balaton and its volcanic basalt soil, these wines are true showcases of Terroir and excellent winemaking

This Riesling showcases his energetic whites in great splendor. Aging on the lees in the barrel for 14 months before completing its aging in the bottle, expect high acidity and a lot of tension with notes of lemon rind and wet stone, giving memories of some Christian Tschida whites…


Nous expédions tous les mercredis. Commandez avant mardi 10h.

Riesling 2021 | Natural Wine by Bencze.
Bencze - Riesling 2021
CHF 25.69 y compris TVA et taxes de douane | CHF 23.85 à payer à la caisse | est. CHF 1.84 à payer au coursier (+ frais de gestion)

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