ブドウ Cabernet Franc
ヴィンテージ 2023
ボトルサイズ 750ml
アルコール 12.50%
¥2,989 除く日本の付加価値税(後払い+関税+手数料)
重要:弊社はドイツで営業しているため、お客様は弊社に税金を支払う必要はない。 英国の配送、付加価値税、関税について読む。


Hanami 2023 is a sensational value natural wine crafted by Domaine Bobinet, in Saumur, right in the heart of the Loire region in France

How is Hanami by Domaine Calvez-Bobinet made?

This delicious red wine is made with Cabernet Franc grapes, of which the vines are between 15-50 years old.

The grapes which are grown on limestone and clay, are destemmed and undergo a gentle maceration for 20 days. Actually 30% of the blend is vinified with carbonic maceration, and all the parcels are aged in concrete vats for around 4 months. Blending of all the Cabernet Franc takes place at the end of fermentation.

How does Hanami by Domaine Calvez-Bobinet taste?

Hanami is an awesome tasting red wine, with a juicy yet also slightly structured mouthfeel with a mild vegetal kick. We absolutely adore it for the value and slight pepperiness it offers, alongside forest fruits. What a delight!

Carafe for 20 minutes before serving cold for best results, as there is a small reduction on the nose on first opening


Hanami 2023 | Natural Wine by Bobinet.
Bobinet - Hanami 2023
¥2,989 除く日本の付加価値税(後払い+関税+手数料)


