Anders Frederik Steen ワイン
Anders Frederik Steen はナチュラル・ワイン・ムーブメントの象徴であり、彼のワイン造りのモットーは次のようなものだ。 "何も加えない。何も足さない。 アンダースはパートナーのアンヌ・ブラウアートと共にフランスのアルデッシュ地方でワインを造っており、彼のワインは二度と造られることはない。 古いプレス機を使い、独創的なスタイルで、実験的なアプローチ、ジューシーな風味、珍しいブドウの組み合わせをステインのボトルに期待したい。これらのワインはすぐに売り切れてしまうので、今のうちに手に入れておこう...。
Buy Anders Frederik Steen Wines
Palpite Un Peu Comme Un Coeur Sauvage 2017 (50cl)
Anders Frederik Steen
Similar to a Vin Jaune, with walnut hits!
Tout ce qui est beau revient 2020 (50cl)
Anders Frederik Steen
Oxidative Gewürztraminer with a sweet touch. AMAZING
Aging A Wildflower On The Last Page Of My Favourite Book 2013 (50cl, VERY RARE, ONE PER ORDER)
Anders Frederik Steen
SUPER RARE 2013 Oxidative GEM! Pure gold...
Parfois Je Monte À l'Ètage et Je Me Sens Un Peu Perdu 2018 (one per order)
Anders Frederik Steen
Oxidative Alsace Pinot, 5 years in barrel!
Poetry of Silence 2016 (VERY RARE, one per order)
Anders Frederik Steen
Direct Press of Pinot Noir. OUTSTANDING!
In the end all that is left is what we give
Anders Frederik Steen
Syrah + Viognier. Integrated VA, Bitters, Cherry Bon Bons
Inside I'm a boat built of paper 2022
Anders Frederik Steen
Black Cherry, Thyme, VERY well-integrated V.A
It´s the smell of the pine trees by the sea that I prefer (50cl)
Anders Frederik Steen
Oxidative Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris & Gewürztraminer hit!
"Nothing added, nothing taken away"
Anders Frederik Steen's exciting sulphite-free wines have a real sense of place, character and personality - to the point where many wine-fanatics can easily taste his style if tried blind lined up amongst other producers. Anders is Danish and began making wine in 2013, in the Ardeche region of France. He was previously a chef and also a sommelier, most notably for trailblazing restaurant NOMA in Copenhagen and has also been a wine importer. Having worked with respected producers like JeanHe works alongside his partner Anne Blauert with his own beautiful vineyards which used to be 6 hectares and as of 2025 will be reduced to just 3 hectares. However, he also works Negoce sourcing high-quality grapes of his friends who have the same focus on high-quality chemical-free production, such as producer La Mazel and Laurent Bannworth in Alsace (where the pair also have a cellar they age wines in) Anders does not use any Sulphites / SO2 in his wines at all, and has spoken in our videos with him that “if you use sulphites… you never know how great your wine COULD have been” referring the risk/reward aspect of using sulphites for safety vs not where you can create truly magical wines when things go perfectly. Anders is not only against the use of Sulphites in his wines but also does not spray Sulphur in the vineyard since 2019, which is truly quite impressive. Instead, he uses a saltwater based solution infused with herbal extracts that create Amino acids that help make the vines more protected against Odium diseases. He discusses this in our video clip with him here.
Ardeche wines… that are not so Ardeche in style
His labels are simple, text based black and white designs. When we asked him about this very basic style rather than using artwork to make them stand out, he replied he wanted to have wine labels that would be understandable and approachable to everyone, in either a French fancy restaurant or a Tokyo wine bar - and the wine should be allowed to do the talking. Anders Frederik Steen wines are always hot in demand, and made in limited quantities that usually are allocated quickly around the world. We love them, especially his red/white blends! The names of the wines change every vintage, which encourages us to try as many as possible we must admit.
Anders Frederik Steen winemaking style
In style of winemaking, Anders has said that their wines are not typical of Ardeche, and instead are the wines of Anders Frederik Steen and Anne Bruun Blauert, to which we 100% totally agree. They have a certain signature in them, and we feel confident many drinking natural wine for a long time could probably call a wine of theirs if drinking blind, just from the stzle. In the cellar, Anders and Anne do a LOT of oxidative work, as this is a style they feel drawn to. Many of their oxidative wines are bottled in smaller 50cl bottles, and whilst not cheap - they really are very special indeed and to be opened on special occasions. Often with notes of volatile acidity, whats great about the lift the wines have is that the volatile touches are so well integrated, and do not distract from the complexities and fruit. Anders has told us personally, that one of the benefits of the integrated volatile touches mean that from a chemical-perspective in the wine, that different flavours are brought out of the wine, not just the body being different.
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FAQ on Anders Frederic Steen
Where exactly is Anders Frederik Steen based?
Anne and Anders are based in the small village of Valvignères in the Ardèche, where they have vineyards but they also operate a small cellar in Alsace. In total, from 2025 onwards they operate 3 hectares, having reduced it from 6 hectares in 2024 and previously
Which other producers are close to Anders Frederik Steen?
Anders works in the nearby vicenity to Gérald and Jocelyne Oustric of Domaine la Mazel, and often buys grapes from them for his releases. There is a good community of natural winemakers in the area, working very closely together even if not all have the same fame as Anne and Anders.
Are all of Anders Frederik Steen's wines oxidative?
No, not all, but his more complex wines often features oxidative elements which give them another dimension. The more affordable wines of Anne and Anders are often not oxidative, but some can feature some residual sugar (R.S) which offer a different type of complexity
Are the expensive wines really that good?
YES! They are worth the money. Often more oxidative, and many in 50cl bottles so a smaller quantity, these wines can look too expensive at first but trust us, if you open them for a special occasion you will really feel how incredible they are, and many will be the talk of the whole night!
How long can I age Anders Frederik Steen wines wines?
The wines of Anne and Anders can be stored in a cool, dark environment for many many years and the oxidative wines will only get better, as they are protected and some have similar qualities to a Vin Jaune.