ブドウ Subirat Parent
ヴィンテージ 2021
アルコール 10%
¥3,247 除く日本の付加価値税(後払い+関税+手数料)
重要:弊社はドイツで営業しているため、お客様は弊社に税金を支払う必要はない。 英国の配送、付加価値税、関税について読む。

SP 21 s a natural wine crafted by Partida Creus, in the Catalonia region in Spain,specifically Penedes. This white wine is made with Subirat Parent grapes, which is a type of Malvasia called Malvasia de Sitges.

Partida Creus

Partida Creus and Forgotten Grapes?

Massimo and Antonella of Partida Creus have brought new life into previously abandoned vineyards, whilst many of their conventional neighbours have been ripping their native varietals out to plant more popular international grapes like Cabernet Sauvignon or Chardonnay, many of which are not suitable for the climate. Grapes like Sumoll are virtually extinct, but producers like Partida Creus are showcasing this grape, alongside others like Parellada Rosa.

Learn more about Partida Creus

We visited Antonella and Massimo in 2023 to learn more about their philosophy to wine, working together and life.

We arrived just in time for the wine crushing action, spoke about many elements of their lives and left feeling quite in love with the pair. They really charmed us and we see why so many adore them in the natural wine world . Subscribe on Youtube for more natural wine portraits like this


Partida Creus - SP 2021
Partida Creus - SP 2021
¥3,247 除く日本の付加価値税(後払い+関税+手数料)


