Poelignié Monthieux 2023 (one per order)

Clos Bateau
ブドウ Chardonnay
ヴィンテージ 2023
ボトルサイズ 750ml
アルコール 13.00%
¥5,633 除く日本の付加価値税(後払い+関税+手数料)
重要:弊社はドイツで営業しているため、お客様は弊社に税金を支払う必要はない。 英国の配送、付加価値税、関税について読む。

Poelignié Monthieux 2023 is a natural wine crafted by Clos Bateau, in the Beaujolais region in France. This white wine limited to just 260 bottles (!) is made with Chardonnay grapes, and the wine name is in reference to their love for Burgundy. It comes with a leaf from the vineyard, strengthened with beeswax and wrapped around it's bottle neck!

 (one per order)

How does Poelignié Monthieux by Clos Bateau taste?

What a wine! Bitter like a lemon tonic, salty, vegetal elements of nettle or hedgerow making it quite wild. Mild petrol and saline aspects, make this quite special. Suggested to decant for more expression

About Poelignie Monthieux from Clos Bateau

Because of personal cravings for a great voluptuous and creamy burgundy white we decided it’s time for us the make it our self. No Burgundy Chardonnay, but Beaujolais grapes. But men, this is something great. We joke with the name and called it Poelignié-Monthieux, a wink to our Burgundy neighbors. Direct press and aged for more than 11 months on a Burgundy barrel from 2017.





Poelignié Monthieux 2023 | Natural Wine by Clos Bateau.
Clos Bateau - Poelignié Monthieux 2023 (one per order)
¥5,633 除く日本の付加価値税(後払い+関税+手数料)


