Muscadet Sèvre et Maine Clos de la Coudray

Stéphane Orieux
ブドウ Melon de Bourgogne
ボトルサイズ 750ml
アルコール 12%
¥2,679 除く日本の付加価値税(後払い+関税+手数料)
重要:弊社はドイツで営業しているため、お客様は弊社に税金を支払う必要はない。 英国の配送、付加価値税、関税について読む。

Muscadet Sèvre et Maine Clos de la Coudray is a natural wine crafted by Stéphane Orieux, in the Loire region in France. This white wine is made with Melon de Bourgogne grapes, as is traditional with Muscadet. This grape works amazing with fresh oysters, thanks to it's light, yet creamy, salty profile.

We have not tried this wine, but the winemaker tends to work with a few more sulphites than we usually showcase, so expect a more classic mouthfeel than wild and juicy.


Muscadet Sèvre et Maine Clos de la Coudray | Natural Wine by Stéphane Orieux.
Stéphane Orieux - Muscadet Sèvre et Maine Clos de la Coudray
¥2,679 除く日本の付加価値税(後払い+関税+手数料)


