ヴィンテージ 2020
ボトルサイズ 750ml
アルコール 12.50%
¥5,627 除く日本の付加価値税(後払い+関税+手数料)
重要:弊社はドイツで営業しているため、お客様は弊社に税金を支払う必要はない。 英国の配送、付加価値税、関税について読む。

Gate 2020 is a natural wine crafted by Shun Minowa, in the Emilia Romagna region in Italy. This orange wine is made with  80% Ortugo , Malvasia di Candia Aromatica, Marsanne and Trebbiano Romagnolo grapes, but 80% of it is pure Ortugo, which is a local grape Shun Minowa favours.

How does Gate 2020 by Shun Minowa taste?

Gate is more intense in it's tannic structure now (drinking in July 2024), than the alternative Jai Guru Deva, which suggests more time is needed for the tannic structure to become more integrated. Saying that, if you like rough sandpaper tannic wines and can't wait, then this may be the strong orange wine for you.

Who is Shun Minowa?

A quickly cult-becoming winemaker, Shun Minowa is a Japanese winemaker who has settled in the beautiful Val Trebbia of Emilia-Romagna, making zero-zero wines with a focus on long skin-contact orange wines, especially with the local grape Ortugo.

Shun Minowa learnt his craft with Guilio Armanni, who is from Denavolo wines and the head winemaker at La Stoppa, which is also where Shun Minowa fell in love with long macerations of skin-contact wines. No added sulphur is used in the vinification process of his wines.


Gate 2020 | Natural Wine by Shun Minowa.
Shun Minowa - Gate 2020
¥5,627 除く日本の付加価値税(後払い+関税+手数料)


